Sperm Speed Rate Controllers

Sperm swim too fast to die in the middle of the road, but the sperm is too slow, will miss and lose the opportunity to meet the egg.

Researchers found an accelerator pedal that controls the speed of sperm. These findings could be new ways to increase libido in men or create male contraceptive drug.

Researchers discover chemical compounds that trigger Hv1 sperm to swim and control the speed in collided with another sperm to the egg. By controlling the speed of sperm, the risk of sperm die before reaching the egg cell can be reduced.

The molecule responsible for arranging this sperm velocity has a double function. On the one hand by inhibiting the activation of the molecule, so fertilization can be prevented and act as a contraceptive. On the other side of the trigger molecule that can increase the speed of the sperm and increase the occurrence of fertilization," said Dr Yury Krichok from the University of California, as quoted from the Telegraph.

The speed is determined by the movement of the sperm tail. Meanwhile, the tail movement is influenced by the acidity in the body. The lower atmosphere of acid in the body so the sperm will move faster.

Research findings published in the Journal of Cell is Hv1 molecule that serves as the entrance gate to the acid compounds sperm tail.

By controlling the Hv1 molecule, then the acid compounds into the sperm tail could be controlled, and ultimately affect its ability to swim.

"This is a very useful invention because it can develop into male contraception techniques and increased mortality of sperm for the sperm can not swim normally," said Dr Allan Pacey, an expert in male fertility at the University of Sheffield.
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