Healthy Gums, Healthy Fetal

NEVER underestimate the health of the gums, especially in times of pregnancy. The reason is, gum problems can affect fetal health. How to care for healthy gums during pregnancy?

A beautiful smile, tooth white, too flat, not a guarantee that a person's teeth and gums healthy. People who diligently brushing teeth is not necessarily even have healthy gums and manicured. Usually they are more focused than the dental gums.

The lack of treatment for these gums could actually be the cause of disease gingivitis. Gingivitis is an infection of the gums caused by plaque, which is attached and layers consist of bacteria, saliva, and food remnants. The disease gingivitis can also damage other dental braces network, known as periodontists.

Periodontists is a condition in which tissue damage dental braces marked by swelling of the gums, there is a gap between the teeth and gums, gums down so that bacteria can be lodged in the gaps between the teeth and gums. Not only the gums, bones which form the basis becomes very vulnerable to infection. And in this condition, the position of the teeth become loose or rocking.

If gingivitis is not treated, it can worsen into periodontists, where the infection has spread to other tooth supporting tissues. And if not treated, the bacteria can enter the bloodstream and cause disease in other parts such as stroke, diabetes, heart, and in pregnant women can cause babies born prematurely or with less weight.

The latest research indicates that pregnant women with chronic gum disease have a risk seven times more likely to have premature babies.

In addition to the plaque bacteria are also other factors that cause disease gingivitis, such as how to brush your teeth, the pressure on the gum, smoking, and hormonal influences during pregnancy.

At the time of pregnancy, pregnant women usually experience changes in teeth and mouth. Change can be a dilation of blood vessels and gums softened. That is, gums bleed more easily when exposed to brush my teeth and gum swelling can occur, called epulis gravidarum or pregnancy tumor. This disease will gradually recover after the birth.

Pregnancy tumor usually occurs in the gums. Precisely in between two teeth (inter dental) and can evolve rapidly even though most of this lesion diameter measuring less than 2 cm. One of the factors that cause gum problems in pregnant women is the hormonal changes and the widening of blood vessels and gums softened during pregnancy.

Toxins that enter the bloodstream through the gap between the gums and teeth to make fetal stress that causes babies born weighing less or premature. Recorded 77 percent of women who gave birth to premature babies suffering from gingivitis.

Toxins that enter it can also cause inflammation of the gums and will be even worse if the mother has health and dental hygiene and bad mouth. Therefore, women planning a pregnancy should be noticed oral cavity health first.
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