Gary Steinman, an obstetrician from Long Island Jewish Medical Center, New York, conducted a study on 129 women who gave birth to twins and compare them with women with height average. The result, women with a body several inches taller have a tendency to bear twins.
In the study analyzing the height Steinman women who gave birth to twins has a height of more than 5 feet 5 inches (1.65 m), several inches taller than the heights of American women who range from an average 5 feet 3. ¾ inches (1.62 m) .
In a study published in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine September edition, citing the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) proved to give a positive relationship between height and the possibility of having twins.
IGF itself is a liver protein that is released in response to growth hormone. Protein was proven to increase sensitivity of the ovary (ovary) to accommodate the automatic stimulation of hormones that will increase ovulation. IGF also helps remove the eggs from the ovary, so that the two-cell fertilized egg can and at the same time.
"Some conditions affecting the amount of IGF to modify the sensitivity of the ovaries were able to accommodate and help stimulate hormones for symptoms of spontaneous twin pregnancies," Steinman explained in the report as reported by Reuters.
In previous studies, suggests that shorter people have a level lower protein and countries with growth rate of tall women have an average of multiple pregnancy rate is higher than the state largely short women.
Steinman also mentions the habit of consuming animal products (dairy products) while pregnant can increase have an opportunity twins up to five times. Because cows have similarities to humans, they also produce insulin growth that could increase the release of growth hormone in the blood, and protein processing into dairy products.(reuter)