Indeed, more sperm count does not always mean that conception would have been better. But, as published journal Fertility and Sterility that mentioned the possibility of greater fertilization with sperm counts more.
"A study shows that good nutrition can improve sperm quality, and the results were amazing, by merely adding and improving our diets with zinc and folate, everything becomes possible," explained Lynn Wallock from Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute, California.
The study led by Dr. Wong Wai Yee of the University Medical Center Nijmegen, the Netherlands is examined Suur 108 men and 103 men with fertility problems. From the two groups are each divided into four groups, so a total of eight groups.
Of the two groups each doing different treatment, some men were given folic acid and zinc single dose, some were given folic acid alone, zinc alone others, and some were given placebo.
And the result, respondents who were given folic acid and zinc showed an increase normal sperm count and abnormal sperm. While the group of infertile men, increase sperm was found in respondents who were given folic acid and zinc or zinc alone. Unfortunately this study did not mention whether this increase followed an increase of sperm pregnancy.
Folic acid itself can be obtained from green vegetables, seeds, and orange. Some cereals and grain products are also fortified folic acid while zinc can be found in red meat, poultry, fish, oysters and clams.