Breastfeeding in the early moments of birth, also makes the newborn and mother in direct contact (skin to skin) and give each other an important stimulation that can grow a baby's ability to survive and accelerate the recovery process of the mother's health.
Mother skin is very important because baby's mother's chest with the right warm. The warmth while feeding reduce mortality due to hypothermia. Mother and baby, felt more at ease so that heart rate and breathing stabilized.
When crawled for breast, the baby will lick the mother skin, swallowing harmless bacteria in the skin that will form the mother colony of good bacteria in the gut that will fight the bad bacteria in the environment.
The first time your baby find the breast feeding mothers and is the beginning of a relationship the mother-infant feeding that will sustain life. the method can be applied to all mothers so more babies can be saved because, according to recent data from 3.5% children in 1000 died before his first birthday. The WHO report in 2005 even mentioned that every six minutes a baby dies.