Pap is short for Papanicolou, taken from a Greek-American doctor who developed the method of detecting the presence of cervical cancer in 1932. Until now, the Pap smear is the most inexpensive and effective way to check the condition of the uterus, so if there are signs showing the potential of early stage cancer can be treated quickly.
In addition to a Pap smear was performed to detect the infection, because most women do not realize until later can cause infertility and other diseases.
All women of all ages who are sexually active have a Pap smear done at least once every two years, whereas in women who enter menopause can be done once in three years. The test was very simple. Doctors insert a small speculum swan-shaped neck is made of thin metal or plastic smoother to the vagina. Upon reaching the uterus, the speculum rotated slowly to retrieve the cell layer.
The next cell on the speculum swab into the plate glass preparations, spoiled a fluid to preserve the cells. For further laboratory examination, and viewed under a microscope.
Cells by a speculum capture only about two minutes, no pain at all just maybe a little bit uncomfortable. While checking the results laboratoium will issue about a week.
Examination with a computer more quickly and accurately, nearly all laboratories currently using these tools. At the time of Pap smear, the doctor usually will do a different way ie by inserting gloved fingers into the vagina to feel whether there are abnormal in the uterus and ovaries. And examine the rectum, a lump in the breast and blood pressure checks.
When the lab results indicate there are cells that are not normal, not necessarily concerned with cancer. Because to do further testing called Colposcopy. If it was found out the cancer cells, then performed stage called diathermy, or in the common language about burning made cell with a laser.
This stage did not interfere with sexual function or ability of women to become pregnant. But if it turns out the cancer cells had spread in such a way it made removal of the uterus or radiation therapy. But it was only done at an advanced stage. Therefore, knowing the symptoms of early cervical cancer, is absolutely necessary.