Every married couple would want to get baby, but unfortunately not all lucky couples can quickly obtain offspring. One reason is the sperm that is owned by the husband is not healthy. How come?
Maintaining the health of sperm is very important not only to obtain offspring, but also HOW do reduce the healthy gene to the baby. So how ya how to maintain the health of sperm?
- Do not be too much to drink liquor. More than two glasses per day is usually already included in the excessive category. However, it would be better if you did not consume alcohol. However, alcohol is more dangerous than smoking though.
- Wear loose underwear and avoid wearing too much hot water bath so that the testes remained cold.
- Intake yourself with lots of antioxidants from vitamin E, C and betakarotin. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables every day. Eat a multivitamin supplement that can provide at least 20 milligrams of iron per day.
- Reduce anxiety, worrying and stress in life.
- Make sure to drink water everyday uncontaminated lead.