Woman On Top, Pregnant WOmen Favorite Sex Style?

WHEN pregnancy disturb your sex life and partner. It's time to change that mindset. The reason, pregnant women are still allowed to have sex four times a month.

Generally, women experience increased energy and libido in the second trimester of pregnancy. It is said that women are more easily aroused during this period. In fact, an enlarged abdomen during pregnancy often make intercourse uncomfortable.

Many women are still having sex with a lying position or through the missionary position. However, if you feel uncomfortable or experience pain during sex, it is best to avoid a too deep penetration.

Having sex with woman on top position can be an alternative style of the ultimate sex. Because, when she was on top of him. She can control the course of "battle" is more profound. In that position, she could manage the depth of Mr.P penetration gripped.

"It's just sexual activity should be stopped for a moment until seven weeks of labor," says author Sextasy book, Tracey Cox via The Sun.

During the four months postpartum women can again enjoy sex with the normal agenda. "However, most women feel comfortable having sex six months after delivery. That is, the doctor had confirmed her sex organ is not a problem anymore," explained Cox.
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