X sperm from larger and has the power to live a longer (5-6 days), but move more slowly. While Y sperm are smaller, rapidly dying, but moving faster. Keep in mind, several studies have shown that the birth of children with gender men have a higher chance of achieving 51%.
Having Sex Time
If you want a boy, have sex before ovulation. Instead have sex all the way days before ovulation if you want a girl. The timing of ovulation in women can be done for example by measuring body temperature, use the calendar, or measuring the thickness of the vaginal mucus.
Done sex before ovulation showed that the X sperm will surround the ovaries mature and awaiting the release of eggs from the ovaries, whereas the Y sperm can not survive long and died. Thus, only the X sperm will fertilize the egg cell so that the possibility of the birth of X's daughter became very high.
When you do have sex before ovulation, sperm Y which has a high mobile speed can quickly reach the egg is mature, whereas the X sperm left far behind. The way this would allow the birth of sons.
Consumption of certain foods
When eating foods that are low in salt and rich in potassium (like bananas and potatoes), then the possibility of a child is born sex male. But when used to consume milk, nuts and green vegetables, then the possibility of a child born is female.
If you want a daughter, a husband should work in urban areas. One study showed that more than 40% of girls born of a father who worked in the urban environment. General urban environment has been polluted with chemicals that can kill sperm Y, whereas the X sperm with high durability will remain alive.
The Quantity of sperm
The number of sperm a little more likely to create a baby girl and vice versa. To achieve a small amount seperma can be done by keeping the temperature in the pubic area to remain high (for example, often wearing jeans or tight pants) or husband a warm bath before sex, and have sex as often as possible.
If you want to reach the number of sperm that many could do the opposite. Limit the frequency of sexual relations and try to keep the pubic area remained cool and should take a cold shower before sex.
Sex positions
To get a girl, do sex positions that can slow the sperm into the uterus and fallopian tubes. The acidic environment of the vagina causes Y sperm is very difficult to reach the egg cell so that the dead in the middle of the road. Sex techniques must be sought to avoid the penis into the vagina too deep. Whereas for boys, sex is directed to the penis reach full vagina. The position can accelerate the entry of sperm into the vagina, uterus, and fallopian tubes so that the Y sperm will pass through the acidic environment of the vagina and can quickly reach the egg.
Wife orgasm earlier than he expected to allow the birth of a baby boy. During orgasm, women will produce the alkaline fluid, and a good environment for the life of sperm Y.