WOMAN preparing to become pregnant usually know how to regulate body temperature and get to read the signs of ovulation. However, they often do not consider their diet. Diet, a great effect on the body's health. Food can also be positive and negative impact on fertility levels.
Maintaining a healthy weight
Being overweight or underweight can both interfere with the way dilute the menstrual cycle. The result will reduce your chances of conceiving. If you do not ovulate regularly and consistently, it will be difficult to make the data cycle, predicting ovulation, even difficult to conceive. Therefore, almost all the nutrition and diet experts advise you to do the right diet before attempting conception. You are advised to avoid caffeine, cigarettes and alcohol and increased consumption of green vegetables, whole grains and increase the drinking water. Also, try to exercise regularly and get enough exposure to sunlight. This is good for your menstrual cycle.
In addition, you can also increase fertility by eating foods that are good for fertility. The food is certainly not able to stand alone in your infertility problems. However, following a good diet and include certain foods in your diet will not hinder your chances of conceiving.
Choose whole grain
To stay healthy, it helps to eat more whole grains in your diet. You can choose or combine oats, brown rice, whole wheat and other sources of complex carbohydrates. Food is a source of energy and rich in vitamins B and E. Both vitamins are very important in the formation of cells, production of eggs and sperm are healthy, and regulate hormone balance.
Add your intake of protein
Dairy products, rich in calcium is good for the development of the nervous system, bones and healthy blood. Research has found that women who ate 1 or more servings of full fat dairy products each day had fewer reproductive problems than those who ate low-fat dairy products or no fat. In addition, you are also advised to consume fish such as salmon and mackerel or sardines are rich in omega-3 and omega-6. It controls the content of reproductive health, improving blood flow and improve the quality and speed of sperm. There is also a good idea to consume red meat. This one foods which rich in iron that helps prevent anemia, reduce the problems associated with ovulation and helps blood cells red.
Spinach and other leafy vegetables increase the function body folic acid intake. Folic acid is important in the formation of sperm and ovaries of healthy and preventing neural tube defects in the early stages of pregnancy. Spinach is also rich in vitamins iron and vitamin C, which serves 2 content sperm improve quality and keep you to stay healthy.
Maybe you've often heard that good oysters to increase libido. What about fertility? Oysters are rich in zinc, a substance believed to be good to help the production health sperm and ovaries. If you do not like oysters, you can replace your zinc intake by eating soy, eggs, nuts, pumpkin seeds and multi-vitamins.
Another good food
Garlic and honey is a good food for fertility but often not addressed. Garlic is rich in selenium, a mineral which is believed to reduce the possibility of miscarriage in women and also improve fertility in men. In addition, garlic also contains vitamin B6 which serves to balance hormones and boost the immune system. Probably because it tastes better, honey better known as the food that can enhance fertility. Honey is rich in minerals and amino acids are good for the reproductive system and ovary function.
Applying a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle can help increase fertility. While eating healthy food that is free of pesticides, sugar, and other processed ingredients, you certainly will feel better and more energetic. If you treat your body well, then the body will also help you in doing fertilization.