Although the formula is also found these contents, there are differences in the number and quality of these substances such as lactose and protein. Lactose found in breast milk more than the lactose found in milk formula.
The protein contained in milk is more easily digested than the baby's digestive formula. Therefore the child will feel hungry more often, the result is more often a baby will cry.
Unfortunately, parents prefer that their children do not often cry. But it can be caused by drinking milk formula that is more difficult to digest by the digestion.
Lactose itself is important for your child's brain as he works to connect the fibers of the brain that will ultimately determine the development of the child's brain. Sometime lactose cause diarrhea in children, but this is normal as long as kids keep weight up.
Many mothers find milk formula with the highest DHA content. Actually the best DHA was in the milk because it is accompanied by a functioning enzyme lipase to digest the DHA. Whereas in formula milk DHA contents have only just make it more difficult to digest.
Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended to be given to the first 6 months of birth due since baby meet 100 percent of the babies. Within 6-12 months, breast milk meets only 60-70 percent of the needs that have complementary feeding. In the 12 months, breast milk is only 30 percent meet the needs, but still must be given to the baby.
Maybe you're worried about breastfeeding because of being sick and afraid to pass on the child. Relax, this assumption is not correct. Conversely, the benefits of breastfeeding when you are sick, actually provides passive immunity for your child.
There are only two things that do not allow mothers to breastfeed, that is when the mother was in chemotherapy and HIV. If the mother sick, white blood cells protect the body in charge will spread throughout the body and the body of her baby through breast milk.