Papaya pulp when applied regularly on the face cures pimples and blackheads.
To reduce pimples and blackheads, rub the scrapings of bitter gourd on infected portions of the face A mixture of finely powdered dry tulsi leaves, 1tsp milk and almond oil helps clear pimples.
At night, before going to bed, apply a mix of cream, glycerine, and lemon juice to your face and again keep it on for a short while before washing.
Mix an equal quantity of eau-de-cologne with boiled and cooled lemon juice. Apply the solution over the pimples. They will disappear leaving your skin soft and smooth.
Before bathing, apply a mixture of tomato pulp – real tomato pulp, not packaged one – honey and rose-water to your face and keep for twenty minutes before washing off.
For instant cure of pimples, apply a paste of chalk and water on them. They will disappear by evening. Or you can also apply toothpaste on the pimple at night, and by the morning you will see the pimple disappear.