Baby grow by learning from the parents and the neighborhood. The home is the best place for babies to grow and flourish under his parents care.
Parents are best "nanny" for the baby. This was ever proven in a study conducted in Singapore. Study involving 2000 children aged 6? 12 years concluded that children who are entrusted in the care of children and was raised by foster parents or attendants have twice as large as possible experiencing mental health problems compared to children who are cared for solely by parents.
In that study, a team of researchers from the Institute of Mental Health of Singapore and National University of Singapore found a direct relationship between the absence of parents with emotional and deviant behaviors in children such as depression, anxiety, aggressive and disturbing behavior (ignorant).
Representatives of the researchers, Dr Bernardine Woo, said, babies who live with single parents (his mother) since divorced, widowed, or a widow, three times greater likelihood experiencing mental health problems than other children.
"A number of postulates, suggested the reason lies in the lack of support from parents and the quality of attention that may differ between children with one another, which in turn will affect the children psychologically," said Woo.
In Asia, are common when parents are busy at work leaving their children in the care of servants, friends, relatives, or child care center.
The study also found that generally, the possibility of boys to experience behavioral and emotional problems are two times higher than girls. In addition, boys with a low IQ (intelligence quotient) risk three times higher have the same problems as those who have a higher IQ.
Fact is really unfortunate if you as parents to spend the golden period to educate the baby, particularly in the first three years of life. Recent brain research indicates that the age of the first three years are the foundation phase of brain development.
Here the children will be permanently brain structure is formed, thus permanently influential as well. Furthermore, before the age of 7 years, children's brain development can be said almost perfectly formed (about 90 per cent). All childhood experiences, both positive and negative, will affect the long term in a child's life.
Similarly, a person's ability to manage emotions throughout his life depends on biological systems shaped by experience emotional bond (emotional bonding) as a kid. So, if you do not want your child to grow up with mental or behavioral disorders, tighten compassion and avoid violent behavior against children.
Children with problems are not far away, certainly from his parents! Maybe his parents' home just like scolding or hitting, so the impact on behavior outside of the troubled. Have been so many studies have reported that children who often experience domestic violence are usually troubled by his behavior.
So is the children who often witness violence or arguments at home parents, have a higher propensity to bullying other children. In addition, they are also at risk of depression and anxiety.
So parents who exhibit violence at home and have small children, should consider the effect of such violence on children. Remember that children are "great imitator" and the child's brain like a sponge which absorbs everything that is so strong that it receives.
They can channel what it sees with a variety of ways, even it is not impossible they will do physical violence against other children.
The Mothers Most Contribute
The Best Teacher in the World Is Mommy. Nurturing early childhood (under 5 years) will be very good if done by his own mother. Mother has a caring nature that is not replaceable by anyone. Child must feel comfortable when with his mother.
When he was comfortable, the child will be easier to process information and learn many things. This can be observed by the mother well. Mother also has ties (bonding) is strong with the kids. She is able to know and understand the progress and difficulties experienced by the child. Children with proper maternal care will grow into children who are confident and capable of directing him to learn continuously.
For mothers who are aware of the importance of assisting in the growth of the child, the decision not to work too often becomes a choice.