Anxiety 35-year-old wife was complete. Apart from not getting pregnant because the husband's sperm impaired, she was also difficult to orgasm because her husband premature ejaculation. Is there a link between premature ejaculation, orgasm, fertility, and pregnancy? Leave this wrong information!
"I was 35, my husband 40 years. We've been married five years, but no children because my husband premature ejaculation.Husband's sperm was examined, the results are not fertile. Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia written. My husband was given the drug, but results have not been there and still get out his sperm . I am very rarely satisfied during sex.
What would I ask, what does sperm as above? Why do I not been pregnant? Do I could get pregnant if my husband is still premature ejaculation? Do I could get pregnant if you rarely achieve orgasm? How can I be more frequent orgasms and also to get pregnant?
What do you think about these questions?
Need to check the physical
In order to conceive, fertility, husband and wife must be good. In addition, there is no disruption of the reproductive organs so that the spermatozoa cells can be an egg, and then implanted in the uterus.
If the conception does not occur, or if the embedded products of conception in the womb is interrupted, the pregnancy did not happen. Pregnancy only occurs if intercourse during fertile wives do, which occurs once in about a month.
From examination of the husband's sperm cell numbers of spermatozoa in mind, movement, and abnormal shape. Therefore, pregnancy was delayed. Unfortunately, you do not include how much disruption of the cell number of spermatozoa, the percentage of normal movement, and what percentage of the normal form.
Of further note what it was sperm disorders. Required physical examination the right of the husband. Without a physical examination, may not know what the cause of fertility disorders. Treatment failure may be because the causes are not addressed. So who has received medical treatment should be evaluated with your doctor, whether it is correct or not.
Wrong Information
About premature ejaculation, actually no relation to the constraints of pregnancy, unless classified as severe. Severe premature ejaculation is already happening before the penis into the vagina.
If your husband suffered severe premature ejaculation, delayed pregnancy naturally. Conversely, if premature ejaculation, including mild or moderate, the sperm can still enter the vagina, will not prevent pregnancy.
In a society is still circulating false information that the men with premature ejaculation is not infertile and unable to impregnate. In fact, there is no relationship between premature ejaculation (just not heavy) with the inhibition of pregnancy.
In other words, rather than an indicator of premature ejaculation men experience fertility problems. If you experience an orgasm obstacles, it is clearly due to the husband ejaculate prematurely. Therefore, the husband should receive treatment of premature ejaculation. You are expected to be longer so that sexual intercourse orgasm occurs.
That should be emphasized, there is no influence between the occurrence not orgasm with no occurrence of pregnancy. So if your fertility and a good husband, pregnancy can occur even if you do not orgasm.
Conversely, although you always have an orgasm, when the fertility of disturbed husband, pregnancy must be inhibited. Once again, premature ejaculation does not mean infertile. Ejaculation can be overcome by good, so they can control ejaculation and sexual lives for the better. On the other hand, male fertility problems can be overcome, depending on the cause and extent of damage to reproductive organs.