Smoking can cause cancer, heart attack, impotence, and pregnancy disorders and the fetus. You must already familiar with this usual government warnings contained in the cigarette packs or tobacco advertisements.
Pregnancy is a gift that should be kept as possible by watching the various factors that can affect pregnancy, one with distance themselves from exposure to cigarettes (either as active or passive smokers).
Numerous studies show that pregnant women who smoke higher risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and children with low birth weight. Recently, a large-scale study in England also revealed that women who smoke when pregnant gave birth to a child at risk of hyperactive or suffering from concentration problems and difficulty paying attention when they were 3 years old (preschool).
Previous studies have also been reported that there is significant risk in men, children of school age. Well, this latest study is the first to connect smoking during pregnancy with the problem of boys and girls aged 3 years. For the purposes of this study, the research team from the University of York, Hull-York Medical School, analyzed about 13,000 boys and girls aged 3 years in a study called the UK Millennium Cohort Study.
Observed children's behavior through a number of questions asked on parents, teachers, and caregivers. Among other issues hyperactivity disorder and attention disorders, such as how easily the child is torn concentration or attention. Another indicator is the tantrum behavior, fighting or other bad attitude children, as well as negative behavior such as stealing, lying, and cheating.
Researchers also consider other factors that influence the event. For example family economic status, parental education level, ethnicity, parental marital status, financial difficulties, as well as smoking behavior, drinking or drug use during pregnancy.
Almost 10 percent of women (mothers of these children) known to smoke heavily, which is more than 10 sticks per day during pregnancy. Meanwhile, 12.5 percent of women smoked light (less than 10 sticks per day), and 12.4 percent are those who try to quit during pregnancy.
Given that the risk of having children who have behavioral disorders or attention problems was higher in pregnant women smokers, especially those who smoked up before delivery. The highest risk is concerned, if a woman smoked during pregnancy (9 months).
They also found that the effects of smoking during pregnancy is different in boys and girls. Boys who are exposed to cigarette smoke while still in the womb tend to have more behavioral and attention disorders, while female children have behavioral disorders only.
"The emphasis of this risk primarily on how long this pregnant woman smoking (during pregnancy), not how the number of cigarettes smoked," said one of the research team, Dr Kate E Pickett, about a study published the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
She added that pregnant women who smoke heavily and continuously (persistent) higher risk of having sons who are behavior problems than lighter smokers. As for the children of women, the effect on the duration of smoking more than the number of cigarettes smoked.
"The equation, for the problem of hyperactivity and attention disorders, both heavy and light smokers were both increased the risk compared to the non smoker," said Pickett.
This study certainly adds more evidence of the trend relationship between heavy smokers and the mood of the child. Previous studies in animals showed that nicotine is a "poison" for behavior.
Imagine, pregnant women who smoke not only apparently give fetus with hazardous chemicals that can affect its development. Furthermore, she also would reduce the nature and behavior associated with their smoking habits during pregnancy.
Most women smokers trying to quit smoking during pregnancy to protect your baby. Another part of this study mention, the girl whose mother quit smoking during pregnancy have a lower risk of behavior problems than girls whose mothers had never smoked. Why be so?
Researchers assume that the determination and efforts to quit smoking during pregnancy showed that the women concerned have the capacity to adapt to the circumstances and the ability to plan and postpone the pleasure (the ability to quit smoking). In other words, it also shows signs easygoing temperament which she inherited her female children.