At the time of breastfeeding, there are some things that need your attention, including food intake and avoid drugs that can affect the baby directly. In addition, factors that are not less important is the position. You need to choose a nursing position that makes you and your baby comfortable.
Choose a position that makes your baby attaches to your breast easily. Here are 4 feeding position where you can choose as your favorite breastfeeding.
Cradle Position: In this position, you need to put the baby's head in the crook of your hand. Support your back and your baby's bottom with your arms and hands, and make your baby is facing sideways, facing you. Your breasts should be in front of your baby's face.
Lying Down Position: In this position, you need to lie down facing the side with the baby facing you. Prop yourself with shoulders and head with extra pillows as support. This position will make you feel comfortable and is suitable for you who are recovering from the Cesarean operation.
Football Position: In this position, you need to put the baby under the arms, with the baby's head in your hands. Support the baby's body with your forearm, and let your baby stuck to your breast. This position is often recommended if you've just Cesarean surgery.
On Your Lap: In addition to the above three positions, you can also cradles the baby in your lap and use the other hand to guide your baby to your breast feeding.
If you are lucky with twins, you can choose football position or lap position, according to your convenience.