"We've been married 10 years, but until now no children. 42-year-old husband, I am 38 years old.
Husband experienced premature ejaculation, so I rarely achieve satisfaction when intercourse. Although not satisfactory, I remain willing to have intercourse 1-2 times a week because they still want to be pregnant.
My question is, whether because of premature ejaculation, and rarely feel satisfied, I am not pregnant until now? I've check to some specialists, but no avail. The doctor just advised me to wait. Until when to wait, while we continue to grow old? "
What do you think about this?
No connection
Pregnancy is only possible if you take her eggs fertilized by male sperm cells. Conception is only possible if sexual relations conducted in the woman's fertile period. Intercourse outside the woman's fertile period will not result in fertilization and pregnancy.
Conception is more apt to occur if the husband's state of fertility and good wife, and not susceptible to interference in the reproductive system. Conversely, if the fertility of disturbed and impaired reproductive system, pregnancy disabilities, may not even happen.
Premature ejaculation does not reflect the presence or absence of fertility problems. There is no relationship between premature ejaculation with a man's fertility conditions. That is, a man who experienced premature ejaculation, fertility may be normal. In contrast, men who do not experience premature ejaculation, fertility may be affected, even sterile, so that can not produce a pregnancy.
Fertility disorders
Experienced premature ejaculation is not the cause of your husband is not pregnant, even after 10 years of marriage. Unless that premature ejaculation occurs relatively heavy, so that no sperm entering through the vagina.
Men who suffer from severe premature ejaculation, ejaculate before penis into the vagina. So, during ejaculation occurs in the vagina may be impregnated remain, both fertility and long on your side there is no interference.
Similarly, although you rarely have an orgasm. Orgasm does not contribute to the occurrence of conception and pregnancy. So, even if you never or rarely reach orgasm, pregnancy can still occur.
The problem is, Is there any fertility problems or obstacles in your reproductive system and her husband, so until now you have not pregnant? Should be the result of what you have experienced, when complete, it can be concluded disorder what happens to you and your husband.
This means that you and your husband should be checked with a true and complete to make a conclusion whether or not interference. Only then can be done step treatment or appropriate action.
However, there are certain circumstances that can not be addressed again. For example damage to the testicles so that spermatozoa can not be produced at all or damage to the ovaries so the egg can not be produced.
Would you still be pregnant or not, depending on the extent to which disturbance occurs, either to yourself or a husband. Hopefully the results that once you do complete enough, so you can ask for another explanation to the doctor who examined you.
If there are no fertility problems to yourself or a husband, can not be a pregnancy does not occur in this long time.