Exclusive breastfeeding Can Lighten Cerebral atrophye

WHO would have thought a smaller brain tissue or known as cerebral atrophy can happen to a newborn baby. And all anamnesis as a history of pregnancy, childbirth and prenatal tests showed good results, meaning not find a significant phenomenon. But why the baby is born can be affected by the disease? What went wrong? Why does this happen?

Cerebral atrophy is a disease that makes many parents feel half his life flying to find his little angel in a positive verdict affected cerebral atrophy. How not, fancy seeing and raising healthy babies grow, funny, and clever little torn.

"Is my child be independent one day?" be a very scary question in the days following Moms.

What is Cerebral atrophy?

Cerebral is brain tissue, while atrophy is a reduction. Yes, reduction of brain tissue, so a common explanation.

What happens when the brain tissue was experiencing shrinkage? Is that so affect brain function? Is Cerebral atrophy patients can live a normal life?

Cerebral atrophy was going to affect the patients brain fungi. Whether it's brain tissue that serves as a motor, sensory, and intellectual. But remember, if only one of the affected brain tissue, the patient was exposed to Cerebral Palsy, cerebral atrophy is not due to be permanent.

Early Pregnancy Childbirth Up
Many causes that can trigger cerebral atrophy occurs, some of which are:

- During the period of pregnancy

Being active smokers, drugs, and also the lack of nutrients consumed by the nutrient content of Moms at 0-3 months of age. In fact, frequent vomiting in pregnant women can lead to the Cerebral atrophy little affected.

- The process of childbirth

Something went wrong during the birth process, ie one that makes child labor so that the lack of oxygen trapped.

- Prenatal

Babies born not breathing properly, did not immediately respond to cry, and the change in the baby blue color.

Brain Tissue Infections

So what if three of the above does not occur, whether the child will be free from the risk of cerebral atrophy? Unfortunately not, the disease could still affect anyone, young age of 17 years, three-year-old child, even a day old infant.

That could happen if your child suffered an infection in the brain that affects all brain functions, both motor, sensory and intellectual, from a certain disease, such as high fever cause brain damage.

Recognize the symptoms as early as possible
To avoid Cerebral atrophy, need attention and sensitivity Moms in to see your baby growing up so that all things can be anticipated. What sort of things to watch out for?

- Note Always Pregnancy Health Record

Do not underestimate Pregnancy Health Record. Note the good of all sizes with the standard little growth. Be sensitive to changes in your baby. Know well the development of a baby growing up. Note the little weight, especially the size of the baby's head circumference.

- Always Check the Brain Tissue Function Development Babies

Consider the development of cognition. To this needs full attention, because it can be seen when the child enters the age of 6 months. Where Moms really have to be sensitive to the development of cognition. Such as whether your child can respond to calls or small questions from Moms.

- If found symptoms, immediately to the Doctor

Do not fear being branded a nag. Ask your doctor if you are not yet well aware of the growth phase of small, especially when he looks more slowly than babies of his age. Do not shy, ask the doctor as kids who ask the parents, "At the age of my baby, what should have been able to?"

Breast milk and Physiotherapy
So far, to alleviate suffering interference physiotherapy Cerebral atrophy is a nutritious and full of nutrients. But how to baby Cerebral atrophy? Yeah same! For that breast milk is highly necessary to optimize the brain that is still good.

Remember, the golden boy until 3 years. So long, Moms need to 'hard try' always give nutrition for your baby, through the consumption of nutrients Moms. Do not ever stop! While breastfeeding, Moms can provide therapy for your child. No heavy effort, attention and affection Moms is already part of the therapy.

Therapy was given according to which part of the brain affected by cerebral atrophy. Such as motoring part, the frequent practice gross motor skills and fine motor baby gradually.

Put all the attention Moms. Because the baby will be able to develop later must not as fast as a normal baby in general. And remember, people with cerebral atrophy, could later own!

Independent? Yes, why not? Cerebral atrophy is not the end of everything.

If indeed the patient has no longer operate a maximum of a function for the whole body, Moms can optimize other parts as a substitute for the organ function is not functioning. For that, do not give up Moms! Be strong for your child to be stronger too!
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