Mother Sound Can Optimize Fetal Brain

Stimulate baby was only done when he was born, but from the womb even Moms can stimulate your child by telling with her belly rubbed. Despite past talk, Moms actually stimulate growth had little brain in the womb!

Yes, stimulation of the best voice is the voice of their own Moms. Sound stimulation is useful to stimulate fetal brain and the newborn to perform motor movements.

To know when the right time to stimulate baby, read this article.

18 weeks pregnant, fetal brain stimulated
According to developmental psychologists Harold I Kaplan, Benjamin J Sadock, and Jack A Grebb, stimulate baby's brain could be done since the age of 18-20 weeks of pregnancy. In fact, according to the homunculus-emerged in the mid-century baby has a psychological and biological development from conception occurs (the process of cell meeting of sperm and egg). Therefore, the unborn baby even begin to react to stimuli from the outside.

For example, early-trimester fetus has a spontaneous behavior repeated? Called habituation-like thumb sucking. Or anything else, he can adjust to the outside with the sound response of muscle contraction, movement and changes in heart rate.

While based on the theory psychogenesis, the baby's brain raced at the age of the second trimester. As a result, babies can remember the situation experienced by Moms. For example, the biological mother did less well when pregnant like saying rude. Now, though later the baby was not cared for by her birth mother? Because his mother died, he still could say rough because remembering what his mother conceived him over.

Mother's voice quickened heartbeat
Because fetal nerve cells powerful, so do not delay Moms to stimulation or stimulation. Strive to provide stimulation Moms bring positive energy, do not say bad things, avoid the worry that one day soon will affect the baby after birth.

After all, naturally, when baby hear mother's voice, active pulse. But, when heard the voice of others, heart rhythm slows. When the rhythm becomes active, the baby also keeps Moms words in memory. This is called cognitive stimulation.

At the same time, emotional fetus has developed too. Thus, no wonder when the baby played songs? Classical music for instance? so her feelings would be touched. This is called affective stimulation.

Similarly, while stroking the belly, there a touch of the fetus through the skin Moms, that form of physical stimulation.
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