Here are some things you should and should not be done to help increase your chances of conceiving.
1. Perform inspection (preconception checkup)
Before you try, you should do first examination. Consult with your doctor about the vitamins folic acid during pregnancy , because this acid can reduce your risk of having a baby. "Perform this cycle before trying," said Paula Hillard, MD, a professor of obstetric and gynecology at Stanford University School of Medicine in Palo Alto .
"If you have health problems, heal first before deciding to become pregnant."
2. Know your cycle
According to Hillard, sex education is the key. "Women need to understand their cycles and when it's most likely they were to get pregnant," she said.
Ovulation is the most appropriate time to get pregnant. "Watch for signs of ovulation, such as changes in cervical mucus, which became more thickened mucus," she said. Other traits such as ovulation pain suddenly on one side. "This period is the time to focus on having sex.
"Ovulation prediction tool can also be used to predict the best time to conceive. The first day of menstruation counted as day one." Start checking on days 9 and continue until a positive, "said Joanne Piscitelli, MD, a visiting professor in the field gynecology at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, NC
Women with a 28-day cycle tend to ovulate on day 14, but many women who have cycles longer or shorter, so check with this tool can help.
If you have been using contraceptives to prevent pregnancy, then you can immediately try to return as soon as release contraceptive. Formerly, women were asked to wait a while before you get pregnant again, but it was not true. It's just that you will not experience menstrual cycle making it difficult to check when the time of ovulation. For this reason, some people feel better to wait until they had one menstrual cycle.
3. To get pregnant, you do not need to worry about the best position
There is a myth that says that a certain position during sex can speed up the pregnancy, but it is a myth. There is no scientific evidence that shows that the missionary position (man on top) is better than women at the top position, in the context of maximizing the opportunity to conceive.
Some specific positions, such as sitting or standing during intercourse may make the sperm move up. "This is a matter of gravity and of course you do not want your sperm out," said Hillard. "Making love with a man's position in the top allows sperm entry into the vaginal better, "she said.
4. Lying flat right after intercourse
You may have heard the following sentence before, lie down with her feet up after sex to increase the chance pregnant. This sentence just nonsense. "You'd better stay in bed for 10-15 minutes after intercourse, but you do not need to put his feet up," said Goldfarb.
"Your hip bones do not move when you lift the leg into the air". You also do not need to go to the bathroom in this time. "If you wait 10-15 minutes, the sperm entering the cervix was going to be there."
5. Do not be too hard
Making love like rabbits even during ovulation will increase your chances of conceiving. Sounds like a good idea, but the number of male sperm would be depleted if they are too frequently ejaculate.
Speaking of the sperm, you are a few things to your attention. Wearing tight clothing can affect sperm count. Your partner in the habit of using mobile phones can also affect your chances of conceiving. A recent study in the journal Fertility and Sterility showed that men who use hands-free cell phone and placed them near the testicles can decrease sperm quality.
Men who eat lots of foods made from soy beans which have a sperm concentration lower than men who do not consume food from soybeans.
6. Avoid and overcome your stress as much as possible
Trying to conceive often causes stress and stress can slip ovulation. It also can cause sexual dysfunction and cause anxiety in men. You can perform acupuncture to reduce stress. Excess alcohol is also not good when you're trying to get pregnant. Basically, anything that can help you reduce and relieve stress will increase your chances of conceiving.
7. Healthy lifestyle
Exercise good for health. However, too much exercise can cause you to not ovulate. This does not mean that you should stop exercising when you are trying to get pregnant. You can still exercise, but avoid heavy exercise. You still can do aerobics like walking 3 times a week.
Watch your diet too. If you are overweight and lose weight then your menstrual cycle will come back, but if you are too thin and not having menstrual cycles, then you need to gain weight to get pregnant.
Hillard also encourage you to stop smoking. Besides all the bad effects on health, bad habits can also reduce fertility. "Cigarettes and estrogen levels affect ovulation."
"85% of women will become pregnant after a year of trying," said Hillard. If more than one year you are not pregnant, consult with your doctor to improve infertility. For women over the age of 35 years, it is recommended to consult the experts after 6 months of trying and not pregnant.