The campaign of exclusive breastfeeding to the baby for six months is more often heard. However, many mistakes made by the mothers when giving supplementary food.
Sometime the baby become reluctant to nurse his mother after getting the supplementary food. That's why targets to give breast milk until the age of two years or more was not achieved.
The mistakes that often occur when the mother gives the supplementary food is given too much food containing dairy products.
supplementary food is not milk products instead. It can be seen porridge of milk or biscuits on the market already contain milk. Breast milk and milk content in the supplementary food is not the same.
In addition to breast milk is not suitable for infants because of different protein content. Likewise with different fat content of human needs.The mothers are always pleased when the content of infant formulas is higher. In fact, casein content 300 times higher, could make stool to be harder.
It's that underlie many complaints the mother about her son stool changes. Previously, the texture a bit flabby and then turned into a solid. High Casein is no guarantee a child more intelligent. Because the content in milk is not for humans.
The mothers should not necessarily be proud if his son looks fat after consuming supplementary food contains milk.Therefore, the increase was fat rather than muscle in the body.
For ideal supplementary food is starting with fresh fruit and vegetables at the age of six months. The reason is, in the carbohydrate content on that two foods in the form of simple sugars are rapidly absorbed in the intestine. However, later converted into glucose in the liver.
While rice, flour or starch have complex carbohydrates that quickly changed into sugar. Chain of several glucose bonded to one another by chemical bonds are fragile. Easy to be broken at the time of digestion take place.
Conditions of good quality carbohydrates there are four, namely the value of low glycemic index, has fiber, high antioxidant capacity, and as alkalies. These categories are owned by fruit and vegetables.
Then, supplementary food continued adjusted for age 7-8 teeth growth. You can use a blender to creamed mashed brown rice, vegetables, meat fish, chicken, mushrooms or beans. Activate the process of chewing when teeth appear. To activate the salivary enzymes that support good digestion and healthy, then at the age of 9-12 months starting given food blended not smooth and porridge. On the first anniversary, introduce children to the dinner together.
To help children develop skills in areas such as eating, parents need to follow the division of feeding responsibilities. For children who are classified as difficult to eat, one of the actions that can be done is to eat together. Eating habits at the dinner table together was a disciplinary action to appreciate food.Adults are responsible for what is presented to children to eat, when and where presented. The kids are responsible for how much and whether they want to eat it or not.