Weight Loss and the Frivolous Reasons

Being overweight not only has consequences on our appearance. There are many disorders, even serious ones, which are associated with a lifestyle "calorie." Talk to your doctor, and hear a list to bring chills. Even your doctor will remind you that anyone who is overweight can only benefit from a healthier lifestyle and eating lighter. Your body will thank you.

But as sometimes the good intentions collide with life and problems of everyday life and keep up the motivation is not always easy, we must help each other. Help them, even playing on the most 'frivolous' but that does not help to let go, always remember that - ultimately - we can’t just eat everything we see...

To keep motivation high – here are the reason list - frivolous but no less effective and useful - that should help you to stay away from excessive eating pies and other sins of gluttony, at least for a while.. . and your body will thank you.

If you pay attention not to overdo the calories ...
  • We sincerely most beautiful, most sensual, most sexy (with positive effects - demonstrated - self-esteem and sexual life)
  • You will feel safer. And who feels more secure - is also shown that - is more successful in private life but also at work.
  • No more envy your friends. Why are you happy with your appearance.
  • Receive more compliments. And the compliments are good self-esteem and make the day special!
  • It will benefit the health (as we have already said, but it is worth remembering)
  • You have a physical condition - especially for those who make sport - better.
  • You can finally buy clothes a size smaller. And this really is a satisfaction!
  • You feel beautiful, safe and admired even on the beach!
Tip: Hang this list in the kitchen and add your own personal reasons, those who feel useful to keep up your own personal reasons (can also be a photo in which you are particularly slim or a photo where it is very fat). Whatever it is useful to keep motivation high. Your body will thank you.
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