When facing this situation, parents should not worried. Indeed, in most cases, constipation in infants or children are not dangerous. However, a small portion can be fatal. Therefore, it is important for parents to make sure the cause for your baby to get proper treatment.
Hard stool
What is constipation? Infants who experience constipation means that the baby is experiencing difficulty in defecating. Usually symptoms are hard feces and hard as stone, very hard and sore when he came out, sometimes there is blood in the stool due to injury anus, even palpable stool masses in the abdominal wall. If it were so, would not be surprised if your little one moaning in pain and being fussy.
Keep in mind, constipation has nothing to do with the baby's frequency defecate every day. Because, the frequency of bowel movements on each baby is different. Infants fed breast milk may be experiencing defecate each finished feeding or only once in 3-5 days. While baby fed formula and older children may be experiencing defecate every 2-3 days. It is perfectly normal.
Unlike when the formula-fed babies has bowel movements 2 to 4 days once, but hard feces, then it is considered constipation. Another case in breastfed infants, although the amount of defecate 2 - 5 days but once-soft-stool consistency was not considered constipation.
Not Suitable with Infant Formula
Yes, indeed constipation often occurs in babies who start drinking milk formula. Because, the composition of formula milk is harder to digest by the baby's digestive system and make the stool harder than breastfed babies.
Sometimes the content of calcium and phosphorus contained in the formula is too high. Whereas the ability of infants who are not perfect kidneys could not process large amounts of phosphate. This affects both the absorption of these substances in the intestine. Keep in mind, the need for phosphorus (iron) in infants 0-6 months is 0.5 mg per day. If excessive, it can cause infant constipation.
Unlike the breast milk, in addition to the content of both substances were lower, milk contains lactose substances that can thin the feces. Breast milk more easily digested than formula milk. That is why babies are given breast milk rarely constipated.
In addition, the manufacture of infant formula that is too thick, fluid intake is less, or the baby does not fit a certain formula, can also trigger the occurrence of constipation.
Eat Pattern Changes
As babies get older, constipation can also lurk at the time when a baby is introduced to solid food. In some babies are still less than perfect digestive enzymes so can not chew food properly. But not to worry, if constipation is caused by digestive enzymes, usually as when age your baby get old will get better digestion conditions. Moreover, physicians can help by giving drugs that can increase production of digestive enzymes.
But, if it happens constipated though baby's digestive enzymes work system had worked perfectly, more due to diet or type of food that is less suitable. The minimal consumption of fiber, fruit and water could be one cause.
First Handling
There are several ways to cope with babies who experience constipation:
- If your toddler does not drink milk, choose a formula containing ingredients that can improve motility functions such as lactulose. This content can be identified from its packaging.
- In infants under the age of 6 months, could be assisted by using medicines that contain the stimulant laxative lactulose on the recommendation of a physician.
- For babies over the age of 6 months of starting supplementary food introduced breast milk, give the fruits rich in fiber, such as papaya, plums, pears, and lots of water consumed. Include always fibrous material in baby food menu in addition to other ingredients. Try baby food menus meet the nutritional balance.
- Wash baby with warm water so the baby is more relaxed so that the stool more easily exit. Apply eucalyptus oil around the baby's bloated stomach. You can also help put baby oil around the anus to reduce pain.
- Helps babies defecate with little exercise. Bend his knees toward baby's belly gently several times. This will help to remove a bowel movement.
You should immediately bring the child to the doctor to get appropriate handler if seeing some of the things below:
- If your toddler constantly not defecate until more than 3 days
- Always looking abdominal pain and stool becomes hard
- Exit the blood in the stool
- There was a tear in the anal region due to strong pressure
- No change after changing his eat pattern.