Swollen breasts
This condition often occurs 2-3 days after birth, due to increased blood flow to the onset of breast and milk production. Swelling of the breasts can make a flat nipples, so hard to nurse a baby. Disturbance would be reduced within 24-48 hours, but it could become increasingly rare when you breastfeed.
Frequently breast feeding until completely empty. Do not wear tight bras, breast compresses and massage your breast before feeding.
Inflamed breast
This disturbance is called mastitis. The symptoms are breast swelling, somewhat reddish, the mother has fever and feeling very tired. Generally occur 2-6 weeks after birth due to a bacterial infection and the use of a bra that is too tight.
Compress the breast with warm water and feed your baby as often as possible. When inflammation is severe and appears pus, immediately went to the doctor.
Nipple pain
This occurs because the position does not fit the baby's mouth while feeding. If not too painful, it could still continue to breastfeed your baby. Other causes are the wrong way when you remove the baby from sucking mouth, or caused by infections.
So that pain is reduced, dab a little milk on the nipple and surrounding areas. You can also to compress the breast with warm water before feeding. After feeding, apply again in the breast milk, and let it dry itself. In addition, in order to keep the nipple dry, choose a bra with a sweat absorbing material like cotton, and frequently change the bra.
Breastfeed your baby on one side only
The notion that one side of the breast that tastes sweet, while the other side is not, it's untrue. There are also saying the right breast which contain food and drink left. Whereas the composition of its content would have been the same.
Mother should find out why your baby is only happy to nurse on one side only. Maybe the baby only smart one nipple sucking, because the nipples are more tender. The breast who are used to suck has a softer texture and chewy. So when given the breast on the other, he felt strange and difficult to inhale.
What is often unthinkable is the habit of the mother's position when carrying a baby. For example mothers already feel more comfortable giving the left side than the right, so as to give the right side, the mother feels tense. As a result, babies had to adjust, and become habit.
When breastfeeding, the mother should be relaxed and have to correct feeding position. Comfortable or not the babies affected the areola position at the mouth , right position is the whole areola in the baby's mouth. The right position Will make abundant milk production.
Then try to move, move the position of holding a baby, so that feels comfortable at every position for both of you. Most important for the mother is positive thinking, bestow love and believe breastfeeding is best for babies, which will help the oxytocin reflex (milk producing hormone) works, and the milk flow smoothly.