Early initiation is beneficial for mother and baby. For the mother, early initiation useful to enhance the special relationship the mother and baby, stimulate uterine muscle contraction, thereby reducing the risk of bleeding after delivery, increase the odds of mothers to establish and continue breastfeeding during infancy and reduce stress after the birth mother.
For infants, early initiation temperature will keep the baby warm, calm mother and baby and regulate breathing and heart rates, bacterial colonization on the skin and gut bacteria infants with mothers of normal weight, reduce infant crying and hence reducing power stress and used a baby.
Early initiation also regulate the level of blood sugar levels and other biochemical in the body of a baby, motor coach while feeding the baby. This reduces the difficulty breastfeeding, helping baby's neurological development, obtain colostrum is beneficial for the baby's immune system and prevent the top pass by sucking reflex in infants 20-30 minutes after birth. If the baby is not breastfed, the reflex will decrease rapidly, and will only reappear in sufficient levels 40 hours later.
Early initiation is done by directly putting newborn in his mother's chest and let the baby crawl to find the mother's nipple for feeding. Early initiation of breastfeeding should be done at birth, without any activity may be delayed. During this process, the skin directly attached to the mother the baby's skin