According to the researchers, the number of children under 5 years of type 1 diabetes will double by 2020. The same tendency, bright researchers, also seen in older children.
Lifestyle, advanced researchers, is one factor to blame for making women delaying having children until older age. This, more researchers, the more exacerbated by Cesarean delivery options. In addition, according to the researchers, reducing the frequency of exposure also affects the germ.
All of these factors, bright researchers, describes the relationship between diabetes type 1 with the development of the immune system of children. Additional factors in height and weight in infants, and the rapid growth during the first few years of life, also affect the emergence of type 1 diabetes.
According to the researchers, approximately 250,000 people in the UK with type 1 diabetes. Most of them are children and young adults. Most of the patients, the researchers explain further, requiring daily insulin injections to control the disease. And if not properly controlled, can trigger long-term complications such as blindness, kidney failure and heart disease that can not be cured.
"Increasing the number of cases so fast it can not only associated with genetic factors alone," explained Dr Chris Patterson of Queen's University, Belfast, one of the researchers, was quoted as saying FOXNews website.
According to Patterson, environmental factors also trigger the addition of type 1 diabetes cases. The children born of older mothers, she was bright, a greater risk than children with younger mothers. Babies were born from the Cesarean, he's bright, risk 20% greater. While they are having to gain weight rapidly during the first year of life also have a higher risk. "Breastfeeding can reduce this risk," he explained. He added, other environmental factors also influence the lack of exposure to germs to babies.
Diabetes type 1, he's bright, highly correlated with the development of the immune system. In this case, type 1 diabetes will make the body stop producing insulin. "But these cases are still rare," he explained.
According to Dr Iain Frame, director of research from the charity Diabetes UK, evidence of an increasing number of cases of type 1 diabetes in children is very worrying. "Parents are in charge of giving insulin injections to the children or their babies several times a day.
Children with diabetes type 1, the light he was, at risk of short-term complications such as hypoglycemic episodes, where the brain does not get enough energy from blood sugar, or diabetic ketoacidosis, in which blood can be acidic. Both of these very dangerous and require treatment in hospital.
This increase, not only due to genetic factors but also environmental factors. "Other studies have also found several factors that trigger type 1 diabetes and increased as the low birth weight, increased with Cesarean delivery, and may also decrease the frequency of infection at early age. "