To monitor the pregnancy, Check In is generally performed first at the age of about 34-36 weeks of pregnancy. Check In did by a doctor to assess the capacity or size of the pelvis, is relatively quite large, medium, or narrow to pass the fetus. That way, doctors can predict whether the delivery can be performed normally or not.
Check In performed again at 38-40 weeks of gestation, and before delivery. At that time, you usually begin to experience heartburn on a regular basis. This time the check in aims to monitor or assess the progress of labor, size of the opening of the cervix, had reached the opening number, or the extent to which the opening. Check In also done to monitor how the decline in fetal body parts into the pelvic cavity. The doctor also will check the condition of amniotic fluid, how membranes, if still intact or already broken.
Detection Other problems
Check In is generally not necessary at the beginning of pregnancy or first trimester. But Check In can be done if there is any indication, or you have a complaint that led to the suspicion of abnormalities or disorders. For example, the emergence of abnormal vaginal discharge accompanied by odor, itch, and color. In addition, if you complain about mucus discharge that makes you feel uncomfortable, or mole who feared miscarriage.
On this occasion, Check In do than to find out what the cause is also to assess how much white mucus in the birth canal, is still in its early stages normal or not.
Check In can also be done when there is bleeding during pregnancy, such as bleeding from the uterus that can have a bad impact on pregnancy. Check In time aims to find where the source, and what causes that can immediately be determined what action or therapy to be done.
Outside of pregnancy and childbirth, Check In can also be done if the alleged defects of the vagina (if there is inflammation, injury, tumors or lip cancer of the uterus), uterine mouth conditions (dry, slippery, open / closed), and fluid from the cavity of the uterus (the blood or white).