Although often comes suddenly and without any sign of colic can be prevented. Among others by the way:
- Breastfeeding your baby exclusively for 6 months effectively reduce the incidence of colic in infants. Breastfeed whenever your baby wants.
- When breastfeeding, position the baby correctly. Lap babies with facial and body facing the breast. Baby's shoulders and feet should be in a position in line. Attach the baby's stomach in your stomach, or the bottom of the breast that does not suck. Stick your chin on the breast. If the baby feeds on the left breast, put his head on the mother left elbow, while his right arm holding a baby as the mother's back. Free baby left arm towards the breast.
- Breastfeeding is the best food for babies, but in some cases the mother was forced to give formula milk. If it happened like this, then give formula in a portion slightly but often, so baby's digestive system can adapt. Avoid direct formula feeding in large quantities. This can lead to absorption of milk becomes longer, which resulted in the fermentation process was so excessive, and will trigger colic.
- Make sure the nipple hole in accordance with the capacity of the baby sucks, and no empty space in the nipple that filled the air. Air into the baby's stomach can trigger colic.
- Always make burp your baby after each feeding, good for breastfed babies and formula milk. It is important to burp out air that may enter into the stomach. Engineering make burp easiest baby is putting the baby in a standing position on our shoulders and chest. Gently pat her back until the baby burp.
- Provide appropriate food baby's digestive capacity, do not give semi solid or solid foods before the age of 6 months.
- Create a calm and comfortable atmosphere in colicky infants because of suspected could arise if the baby feel less secure and comfortable. Calm atmosphere can also make easy baby to sleep so she would feel more comfortable. Keep your emotions in front of the baby, avoid angry, upset, and being rude because it will make the baby feel uncomfortable.
- Involve the father to take turns taking care of your baby so you are not exhausted until emit negative emotions in infants.
- The afternoon shower or before bed, do a light massage of the horizontal strokes from the middle to the edge of the stomach with the palms of our hands. Use baby oil. Next bend your knees so that your baby's stomach pressed air in the stomach distress out a fart.
- Breastfeeding mothers should avoid foods and beverages containing a gas, spicy, or acidic until 3-month-old baby.