Indeed, it looks like mother's milk can be milked easily without any technique. But one thing that often forgotten is improper technique will destroy the fat tissue of the breast, making the breast into blisters. Even the breast skin can be bruised or reddened. Well, what are things that obliged to know about the intricacies of breast milk?
Marmet Technique
The solution to this problem is the Marmet technique, a method of massage and stimulate the milk ejection reflex to be optimal. The key to success of this technique is a combination of flushed breast milk and how to massage. If carried out effectively and accurately, then it should not be a problem in the production of milk or how to get the milk.
This technique can easily be studied according to instructions. Of course, the more often Moms train was flushed with Marmet technique, then the Moms increasingly accustomed to and will not be encountering many obstacles.
Preparation Expressing breast milk
- Use clean containers at least, might be made of plastic or metal materials (because of the milk fat can be attached to the side of the glass container). In fact babies need the fat content of breast milk to nourish its growth.
- Wash hands first and sit comfortably. Position of the body bent slightly forward. You can sit in a chair with a container that is wide enough in your lap, can use the bowl to make it more easily.
- Choose a location that is clean and quiet so there is no disturbance . If you are in the office, you may blush breast milk in the bathroom. Do not force yourself to milk if the office bathroom smelling , because it will reduce the concentration, a sense of comfort and tranquility when flushed.
- Try to relax and not tense when flushed. If by calling your husband and hear his support could make you more calm, do it! Breast milk will be easier out if the feeling (emotion) Moms in good condition and stable. Relaxed conditions that will help release the hormone oxytocine, which affect smooth milk expenditures. Conversely, if the mind Moms worry about other problems, can complicate the release of breast milk.
- First, place your thumb and two fingers (index and middle fingers) of approximately 1 cm to 1.5 cm from the areola. Try to follow these rules as a guide, given the size of the areola on each woman varies.
- For large breasts, lift your breast and push it toward your chest. Roll using the thumb and fingers simultaneously.
- Avoid positioning a finger at 12 hours and 4 hours around the areola. Massage gently from the base of the breast toward the nipple to stimulate the oxytocin reflex (let down reflex). Nipple stimulation with your thumb and your index finger. Use warm water compresses or bathe with warm water to help the milk come out easier.
- Put your thumb on the outside of the areola (the clock 12) and forefinger and other fingers on the bottom of the areola (the clock 6) or a form letter C.
- Press your fingers back toward your chest and flush and press your breast between your fingers, and pull, push towards the nipple like a baby sucking on the following movements. Repeat this over and over again.
- When milk flow is slow, move your finger around the areola with a moving scene, and then began to blush again until the milk is stored becomes empty. Rotate the thumb and other fingers to point other milk barn. Similarly, while the other breast, use both hands. For example, when flushed left breast, use your left hand. Also when flushed right breast, use your right hand.
- When flushed milk, do clockwise rotates or counterclockwise along to all the empty milk barn. Move your thumb and other fingers on the six o'clock position and 12 hours. Then the 11 o'clock position and at five, then two o'clock and eight o'clock, then three o'clock and nine o'clock.
- Repeat this procedure on a regular basis (rythmically) until the breast becomes soft.
- Avoid movements squeeze the breast, this can injure the skin of the breast and becomes bruised or reddened. Also avoid pulling at the nipple, because it can cause damage to the layer of fat on the areola.
The difficulty always there, but surely there are things you can do to overcome them. The things below can help you stimulate milk ejection reflex:
- Massage cells of milk production and milk channel. Starting from the top of the breast with circular movements, massage by pressing to the chest.
- Press the breast area from the top to around the nipple with a gentle pressure using fingers such as tickling motion.
- Shake breast with the clockwise direction. Movement of gravity will help release the milk.
Do not give up easily, if at the first trial results have not been up to, keep trying! To encourage you, consider some of the benefits that would be obtained if you flushed milk:
- Reduce swelling in the breast.
- Reduce static obstruction or breast milk.
- Maintaining milk supply when baby or her mother's illness.
- Making babies still breastfed when their mothers work.
- Preventing Breast milk dripping when the mother away from her baby.
- Assist baby attached to a full breast.
- Giving milk directly into baby's mouth, by way of milking.
- Prevent nipple and areola become dry and blister.