If you are pregnant right now, immediately weighed. Is it still within normal limits? In fact there is no standard rule about how an increase in maternal weight during pregnancy. In other words, every pregnant woman may experience different increases.
However, recent studies suggest that in the United Pregnant Women monitor weight gain to no more than 18 pounds. The reason is, if more than that, he doubled risk of giving birth big babies. The baby is great according to the Association of American Obstetrics and Gynecology is a baby weighing 4 kilograms or more. While the WHO says, the average weight and normal healthy baby at birth is 3.2 kilograms.
In a study published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology, researchers involve participants more than 40,000 American women and their babies. Once analyzed, data showed that one in five women experienced an increase in excess weight during pregnancy, which make it risky double big baby.
The case of gestational diabetes (diabetes caused by pregnancy) is also often the cause of babies are born with excess weight. However, other facts in this study revealed that the pregnant women increased more than 18 pounds still great potential to have the baby even if he did not have gestational diabetes.
"Given the number of women who experience an increase in weight of more than 18 pounds during pregnancy, the advice to avoid obesity during pregnancy is an important health messages to be distributed," said Dr. Teresa Hillier, a staff researcher of the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research in Portland, Oregon.
Hillier insisted, pregnant women that excess weight increases risk having a large baby, which also means the baby's future risk grows with the problem of being overweight or obese. For pregnant women, the fetus is too big a risk complicates the process of birth, such as increasing the possibility tear or vaginal bleeding, and the possibility to give birth by cesarean section. While the fetus itself at risk of "stuck" in the shoulder or collarbone broken during delivery.
In these studies, Hiller and his team analyzed data from 41,540 medical records of women who gave birth in Washington, Oregon, and Hawaii in the period 1995-2003. A total of gestational diabetes is detected and as much as 5.4 percent of which is handled through diet, exercise, and if necessary be given insulin to control blood sugar levels.
Overall, as many as 20 percent of the pregnant women gained weight more than 18 pounds of baby. While pregnant women with normal body weight increase in the number of babies less than 12 percent.
The most high-risk groups is that pregnant women weight increased more than 18 kg and gestational diabetes, which is nearly 30 percent of this group of big babies. While the normal weight as well pregnant women diabetes who gave birth to a large number of only 13.5 percent range.
Researchers reveal, these findings suggest women should avoid excessive weight increase during pregnancy and pregnant women diagnosed with gestational diabetes, also should try to keep weight gain no more than 18 pounds.
Case of body weight increase during pregnancy had continued to increase during the last two decades, and researchers speculate that it is likely related to the obesity epidemic that occurred since childhood.