Each trimester of pregnancy has its own process. Therefore, important for pregnant women to know what the question asked each time consult to a doctor conditions associated with pregnancy.
Which must be known in the first trimester of pregnancy pregnancy is the right age of the fetal. Usually the doctor will determine the two parameters, namely the first day of last menstruation and the ultrasound examination.
Ultrasound examination for the first trimester of pregnancy is usually required to detect fetal condition. For example, single or twin fetuses. Also could to detect empty in case of pregnancy or pregnancy outside the womb.If not available ultrasound equipment or the doctor wants to know more, usually doctors do check in. With check in, can known about uterine enlargement.
It also effectively carried out by the midwives who have not completed Ultrasound machine. Except tool, it is important to do a blood test early in pregnancy, routine blood like checking Hb components, platelets, lecosit, and hematocrit. This do to know the status of women in the early state of pregnancy in lab, good things about the blood (anemia), blood disorders (thalassemia) and the presence or absence of infection.
Usually pregnant women has decreased compared to Hb when she not pregnant. If the decline is not too drastic, it is considered reasonable. This usually caused many in the body fluids of pregnant women, known as hemodilution.
If there are defects or abnormalities, at the time of the inspection should ensure what trait abnormality or disorder is major or minor. If predict the condition will deteriorate, for example, can cause disorder or severe abnormalities, will or end thinking pregnancy termination action. Therefore, usually if there are abnormalities, then schedule the control of the first trimester of four weeks which usually can be promoted up to third or two weeks.
As far as possible we do preventive action, especially if detect there is disorder symptoms. To prevent fetal birth defects (neural tube defects) doctors usually recommend that expectant mothers to consume folic acid during the early trimesters. About symptoms experienced cravings that pregnant women young, characterized by dizziness, nausea and vomiting. It should be overcoming.
Pregnant women can eat with a frequency more frequent smaller serves. In addition, cookies can be used as a snack and drink lots of fluids.
Meanwhile, heat in the chest can be alleviated by avoiding the food little portions and greasy or spicy foods and caffeine. For constipation, occur during pregnancy, can be anticipated to consume fluids, fiber food, like fruit or juice.
Actually, in terms of physical, pregnant mothers can avoid many hormones. What is important is to maintain fitness. For on the second trimester of pregnancy should be tested for blood sugar level checking. Usually, increased sugar levels in pregnant women with 24-28 weeks pregnant age. If blood sugar is too high, conditions can endanger the mother and fetus.
For mothers, levels of high blood sugar can lead to many complications. For fetus can result in the fetus is too large or even very small, until death suddenly.
In addition, the results of ultrasound in the second trimester of pregnancy controls also to know fetal weight with the examination of three parameters, namely head cycle, abdominal circumference, and femur length. With so can ensure pregnancy age and the presence or absence of mothers who did not fit the development of the fetus or inhibited growth(intra-uterine growth restriction).
For women who get pregnant the first time, a new general could feel fetal movement around 18 weeks of gestation. For those who've been pregnant, early will felt, such as the age of 16 weeks. Fetal movement initially only small vibration.
Gestational age increased, the movement will vary with frequently often. The number of normal fetal movement is as much as 10 times movement in 12 hours. If the number of repetitions is less than that, should additional do checking soon as ultrasound and CTG.
Beware the Third trimester
In the second trimester of gestation, pregnant women are already feeling fetal movement. So in the third trimester, the fetus is most can predict the gender. Ideally, around 26-30 weeks of gestation.
However, often also found some things that make it difficult tests, such as fetal position which makes the interpretation of sex clearly. It is important to know the development of fetal weight. This estimate weight infants is use in the birth process later. Normal baby until birth weight of about 2500-4000 grams.
Physical condition of the mother who usually start to decline at age pregnancy is noteworthy last trimester. One of the important things to be observed is maternal blood. Often high blood pressure in pregnant women can cause eclampsia or fetal toxicity. For the mother who is very dangerous having eclampsia is from convulsions until fainted. Therefore, it is important to measure regularly blood pressure control.
There are number of cases of eclampsia is not helped, because late come to the doctor. This is usually because the mother was pregnant checking irregular. In the final trimester of pregnancy, gestational age rather 28weeks, then schedule the control of pregnant women are routinely per two weeks.
Then, if the pregnancy has entered the age of 36 weeks or close to delivery, pregnant women should control once a week. When exactly time to delivery, certainly can not be answered with certainty. However, estimates or normal estimates delivery can occur at 40 weeks gestation with tolerance plus minus 2 weeks. So between 38-42 weeks of gestation.
During pregnancy there is no problem, then a normal delivery can be expected. Except cesarean then the delivery can be planned. It is necessary also to know pregnant women early signs of Gardner in the delivery book. Brian Early Signs of Labor How to Recognize Symptoms said some early signs of labor are easily known. One of them is Braxton Hicks contractions.
Contractions that are named based on the name of the doctor who first known these signs really is a contraction, although false. Contraction is designed to prepare your body for the birth of the baby. In most cases, false contractions are not regular walking, long-short duration, less of 45 seconds.