Recognize the Signs of Baby Hearing Loss Experience!

MANY parents admitted that all feeling tired and stressed that hit, instantly disappear instantly when look at a tiny little one's face. Especially if it includes baby who are not fussy, not easily disturbed his sleep even with the sound in the vicinity. Nice to have a child who he said was 'calm', but you need to be careful! Try to evaluate your baby's hearing! Be careful if the baby is sleeping soundly, undisturbed sound slamming doors or other loud noise, because the possibility of hearing loss.

Since being in the womb, the baby can already hear. Seen on ultrasound examination, when the baby respond to moving sound waves produced by ultrasound.

After birth, the baby is able to hear voices around him. The proof? When he heard a noise, he woke up. Just because the brain and motor development has not been perfect, the reaction to the extent attributable to cry or open his eyes. As get older, the response increasingly diverse, such as turning, advancing toward the sound and so forth.

During this development, children are not only able to hear, but also record the types of sounds into the brain. No wonder the age of 8 months, he was able to recognize voices mothers, fathers, or caregivers. This recording will someday be in the recall at the time your baby learn to talk.

Be sensitive to the baby Response

So, how to detect hearing loss with ease? Simply way, it can be done through the game sound like applause, coughing, banging cans, and so forth. Normal baby will respond to sounds. Can with a wink, his expression changed, stop sucking breast milk or bottled milk, reacted with surprise and lifted his feet and hands.

In older babies, often responding to turn his head at the sound source. At a minimum, he sought the source of the sound with eye movements. If your baby does not react, parents should immediately take him to the doctor!

Inspection Since Age 2 Days

On further investigation, usually the baby will be age-appropriate audiometry tests, including tests OAE (Oto Acoustic Emission) or BERA (brainstem Auditory Evoked Response). How it works by using computers, and assisted a number of surface electrodes taped to the baby's scalp. Baby are given a voice stimuli, then recorded on a computer, the result will be data in graphical form. Well, then known threshold of hearing.

Investigation aims to ascertain whether there really hearing loss, type of hearing loss as well as the location of abnormalities that cause hearing loss. So it could be the best solution for further treatment, in the hope that children can communicate with or without hearing aids.

Parents need being encouraged hearing babies from the age of 2 days. The more rapid and appropriate intervention. The results will be better.

Examination should be performed early if the baby has some risk factors. Such as family history of congenital deafness (congenital deafness / descent), history of prenatal infection (TORCHS = Toxoplasma, Rubella, Cytomegalo Virus, Herpes), infants with abnormal anatomy of the ears, the baby is born with low birth weight / low birth weight <1500 g, birth with action (vacuum), hyperbilirubinemia / baby yellow, heavy asphyxia (birth did not cry).

The occurrence of hearing loss will impact the delay will talk to the baby. In addition, parents must be sensitive to the condition of the baby. Beware if a child is difficult to understand conversations in noisy environments, speech difficult to understand the child, the child talk too weak / strong, speech which is incomplete or many words missing.

When the child's condition partially deaf (hearing impaired) and not the total deaf, which means reduced hearing function can still be used to communicate with or without hearing aids. Therefore early detection is needed, even if it must use tools, equipment give the best support for the children.
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