As it is known that anxiety disorders like social phobia and conduct disorder OCD (obsessive Compulsive Disorder), is more common in people with anorexia than in general population.
This anxiety disorders usually appear sooner than eating disorders. The research of Dr. Cynthia M Bulik of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with his colleagues trying to find out whether excessive if the history of anxiety disorders (overanxious disorder) in childhood associated with a number of cases of anorexia in women.
The result, found that of 637 women with anorexia, approximately 39% of them have symptoms of excessive anxiety disorders in childhood. In addition, in almost all cases, the symptoms of anorexia anxiety arises before the attack. Results of recent studies are then published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders.
In general, the researchers also found that women with a history of anxiety disorders in childhood show some personality or behavior that tends to "extreme", suppose the nature of perfectionism and obsessive disorders associated with food.
They also tend to accidentally "cleaned up" by vomiting or taking laxatives in order to limit food intake. Bulik and colleagues argue, when the childhood anxiety disorders into a kind of "gateway" into anorexia.
Thus, this confirms the importance of awareness and early treatment of this condition. Anorexia is an eating disorder. The patient was willing to hunger (hunger) to get the skinny body.
Not surprisingly, this case experienced by most young women who experience excessive anxiety will become fat. Therefore, a diet that is too tight. As a result, she can up in the hospital or even die.
Not just about anorexia, anxiety during the golden times of childhood would interfere with the development of their personality and have implications to how to perceive and adapt to this life. Children should we save not only because of fears they could trigger anorexia but also because of anxiety capable of forming a children's anger towards the wrong ways either as an individual or within the scope of bersosial life
Read Here : Physical and Psychological Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa