Professor Christopher Gillberg of the National Centre of Autism Studies believed characteristic of autism in girls and young women become lost because they could not be more obvious than in men.
He said: "Counting calories may be a manifestation of the disease of autism, and is very important to take this amount when he decided to do therapy."
Disorders of the brain characterized by a difficulty in communication and social interaction.
Professor Gillberg, which is based at Strathclyde University, also said: "I have seen numerous cases where the disease anorexia has become completely entrenched because people do not know the underlying eating disorder is the disease of autism."
Such conditions are often seen besarpada influential men, but it seems many young women are not easily diagnosed.
"You might have a daughter who spoke with inexhaustible and does not listen, and they were classified as 'bubbly'. In addition, they mingled with it, but maybe they have autistic spectrum of elements."
Boy with autism often show signs of disease-tandasecara clear and narrow the number of subjects. While female patients were more likely such as 'collection' of people, remembering the name may be ketertarikanistimewa, thus firmly Prof Gillberg.
In addition, men in general are more likely to show a hyper-active. This adds to their chance to take to a specialist, who then might be able to see signs of autism disease.
I think as a mom that have a daughter, we should give more attention about this report because the early treatment will give the best result. I have some friends have some daughters with similiar symptoms like autism and anorexia nervosa.
Read here : Physical and Psychological Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa