Depilated or epilate?
Hair removal: removal of the external part of the hair, without removing the bulb from the follicle. Such as a hair removal is shaving, or when we use depilatory creams, techniques are temporary.
Hair removal: removal of hair with all the trees, both the outside is the inside. Lasts much longer and can be, depending on the technique applied, even definitive.
Methods of hair removal
The wax is a fast, durable and particularly suitable for parts like legs and not very delicate mustache. It’s usually based resin or honey. Settles the wax on the areas to be treated, then you use the strips that are in contact with the wax and then take off with a jerk decided. Because of the tear is a painful technique that can cause minor problems at the level of skin.
Wax capillary
Often assumed that the heat of the wax to cause the rupture of capillaries. It is true that the area where the heat is concerned, is more receptive, but the tear that causes the rupture of the capillary. Why it is better to do the waxing in beauty salon. The beautician has the manual, it's fast and needs a few 'rents' to remove the hair parts. and fewer tears are made, the better.
Depilatory creams
It's an easy, fast, lasting less than waxing. Allergic reactions may occur with the product, so better to do a little test on skin first. Often have to redo the operation after one week, removes any treatment - such as waxing - skin cell surface and the tan. In summer - especially at sea - it is therefore preferable that the wax, removes the tan, but must be repeated only once a month.
It’s the removal of hair with the aid of electricity, piped through a needle into the follicle to clot, which dissolve the hair. Technology is a precise, safe and painless it can be definitive. I can’t say with certainty because hair growth is also influenced by factors that are uncontrollable such as the use of drugs, hormone treatment, some birth control pills, etc..
In each case is a good method, especially for small parts. Today the technique is very sophisticated: you can change the electrical discharge, which allows you to customize the treatment depending on the treatment area, and depending on skin and hair of the person. After two or three sessions, depending on the area, you notice a real improvement after five and a real reduction in growth.
It’s best to inquire about making the change, must be a person who is quick, precise, which makes daily.
Creams that slow growth
It is a cream that slows hair growth. This facilitates the treatment. The same cream can also be used after waxing, depilatory cream or the razor.
Care before and after / Folliculitis
Folliculitis is basically a hair hue that was attacked by bacteria inside the duct hair. Are infections of the pimple, caused in particular by the lack of hygiene, including use of accessories, such as tweezers, pots that are used to spread the wax, or even whether to use recycled wax. If you have the folliculitis, you can’t shave and clean the affected area with disinfectant and calming appropriate that sell in pharmacies.
Better than cure is to prevent. This is done with good hygiene before and after shaving.
Before the hair removal you must:
- To scrub (with a specific product or with a glove of horsehair) to remove small impurities of the skin and make sure that all the hairs have the points up (to avoid ingrown hairs);
- And then dab the affected area with an antiseptic solution, refreshing or even pass a solution with a distillate of mauve and menthol perfectly clean skin.
- Remove all the wax residue that can be done with a bandage, a gauze of oil, or a little 'of essential oil of chamomile to soothe and
- Rebalance the skin with a riacidificante / emollient (product-specific enzyme-based), because doing the wax eliminates surface of skin cells that serve to protect the skin.
- Ever, not perfumed skin immediately after depilation.