Every methods on how to increase the breast size or reduce breast size always have a weakness , so woman who going to increase breast size or reduce breast size should be care a lot and do more research to find out a lot of thing should be consider.
Several Way To Increase Breast Size By Surgery
Breast Implant is the most common method. Even not everyone would opt to take a surgery to augment their breast size, but a number of people indeed had this option. Breast Implant is about implanted a foreign material like silicon or saline in breasts underneath the breast tissues. There are 2 issues must considered with breast implant , the rupture and the leakage. A few reported about this issues.Botox breast lift. Botox to be injected in the breast area so that the substance will paralyzed the muscles found under the breast tissues, thus lifting the saggy boobs. Note that the result is only temporary about three months effect.
Injectable Fillers. This is discovered sometime ago but back then the process was not administered on breast but done on lips and other parts of the body that needs augmentation. But for breast this injectable filler is popularly called Macrolane Fillers for Breast Enhancement. The Macrolane is constituted with the Hyaluronic acid. This procedure created some noise last year in Europe. There are a few people who tried it. So far this has not been introduced in the US.
You can read this article : Do you really need breast augmentation? to make sure youself if you choose surgery opt. If you want the safest way to augment your breast, then you can also go for the Herbs enhancement pills and creams. It may not be an instant solution but most of the times, it pays to wait patiently. Because going for the unnatural methods of how to increase breast size does not guarantee a 100% risk-free outcome. Then , How to Increase Breast Size Naturally?
Here are 3 ways of increase Breast Size Naturally :
Breast Enhancement Herbs Pills
There are varieties of herbs which you can take to increase breast size such fenugreek, saw palmetto, Mexican wild yam, fennel, Dong Quai, damiana, and blessed thistle. The herbal components of breast enhancement pills start a reaction similar to those that occur during puberty, when women's breast tissue starts to grow. These herbs deliver plant estrogen, which stimulates the growth of the delicate breast tissue from inside by causing hormonal changes. Plant estrogen, as scary and medicinal as it sounds, is a natural product derived from plants and is quite mild.
You can find them at your nearest store. Just take a trip there and ask the store attendance to provide you with them. Go for the high quality ones and don't go for the cheap ones.
It may take time to achieve the desired results with breast enhancement pills. Women with small to medium cup size when taking breast enhancement pills usually achieve their optimum results within two months. Some women continue to take breast enhancement pills on an ongoing basis because they notice other positive changes in health.
Breast pumps
There are pumps made exclusive for the enlargement of the breast. There is a strong debate whether breast pumps work or not. As you know, most things in the market are for profit maximization. You can try them out and see whether they will work for you. I know very well that they work temporarily and they won't give you a permanent increase in the size of your breast.
There are some foods that will make your breast to grow even if you have attained your maximum growth rate. Foods like flax seeds, whole grains, fruits and vegetables are all good for breast growth. The best out of all these foods is flax seeds. Breast Enhancement Creams and Lotions
This type of breast enhancement is not the most effective when used on its own. When combined with pills and exercises, breast enhancement creams can yield substantial breast size increase.
Breast enhancement creams act in pretty much the same way that the breast enhancement pills do. Typically breast enhancement cream contains a mix of herbs along with mild chemicals that stimulate the growth of fat cells in the breast without growing fat cells on other parts of the body.
Breast enhancement creams have other cosmetic effects, as they make the breasts firmer and more smooth, enhancing the total look and feel of the breasts.
Breast Enhancement Exercises
Simple breast exercise like massaging can have a great impact on your breast. It will aid you breast to remain healthy and attain its maximum growth rate.Breast enhancement exercises are perhaps the cheapest and most natural method for promoting breast growth although they require a dedicated approach to make them work.
The most popular breast enhancement exercise is a push-up. Here's the right way to do push-ups:
- Lie facing down on your stomach on a flat surface
- Bend your knees and cross your ankles.
- Now start bending your elbows while keeping your palms in line with your shoulders.
- Remaining balanced on your palms and elbows raise your body - keeping your ankles crossed. This way, you don't raise too much weight. Don't straighten your elbows when raising the body - it may cause damage to your joints.
- Slowly lower your entire body, but don't lie down. You should decrease the angle only until your arms become in line with the floor.
Breast enhancement exercises, like any form of exercise, should be performed in sportswear, on a comfortable flat surface. If done without caution, these exercises can strain the muscles, so speak to your doctor first if you have any concerns. Don't push yourself too hard, and stop immediately if you feel unwell, be it pain or tension. Performing these breast enhancement exercises daily, or at least two to three times a week should help you achieve more round "perky" breasts. Plus, it has the added benefit of strengthening your back muscles to help improve your posture, too.
Following an exercise regime that includes push-ups you can also use breast enhancement creams and pills. When all the breast enhancement techniques are used in conjunction with each other, you can achieve optimal results.
In my opinion, Herbal remedies, including breast enhancement pills, have many advantages over surgical breast augmentation, due to lower costs, less health risks and fewer side effects. So be wise for your breast size girl!!