Your grocery bag may save planet but could kill you

Reusable bags need to be washed regularly at high temperatures to kill off bugs.

The reusable grocery bag that you use to save the planet could kill you.

In a recent study in the United States, about 12 per cent of the 84 bags were tested. Traces of E coli, scarier still, bacteria was found on all the bags but one. Reviewing bags used by grocery shoppers in US cities, such as Arizona and California, the reserachers concluded that the bacteria levels were high enough to make anyone ill. They may even cause death.

The reason: Surprisingly about 97 per cent shoppers admitted of not regularly or not at all washing their bags. About 75 per cent kept meat and produce in the same bag, the LA Times reported.

The solution: Washing your grocery bags regularly reduces the bacteria and makes them safe to use almost 99.9%.


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