Doctors are very important part of our life and there should be one day when we say thanks to all these professionals for taking care of us and our loved ones. On every July 1 Doctor’s day iscelebrated in India in honour of Bidhan Chandra Roy, a legendary physician and second Chief Minister of West Bengal.
It is the birth Anniversary of respected Physician and Patriot Dr.B.C.Roy. But, Indian Medical Association (IMA), Ludhiana has decided to mark this day as ‘Black Day’.
IMA is protesting against Clinical Establishment Bill and will hold the protest march from Gumar Mandi.
Dr Narotam Dewan, IMA president demanded quoted, “This Bill is neither in favour of the people nor the medical fraternity. This move is aimed only to benefit big corporate hospitals. The National Council, which is proposed to be the governing body as suggested in the Bill, will comprise people drawn from Unani, Siddha, nursing and paramedical bodies. The standards of allopathic system cannot be set and monitored by the National Council constituting of non-allopathic systems.Of the 18 members of the National Council, only two may be medical graduates. We refuse to surrender our dignity and profession.”
The Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation Act) Bill, 2010 passed by the Union Cabinet has made it mandatory for all clinical establishments to provide medical care and treatment to stabilize any person in an emergency condition.