Here are our tips to lose weight in a painless:
- Base: increasing physical activity and reduce the calories from food. Keep in mind these two points that are the basis of any advice that will follow.
- Limit alcohol intake. Not only do a favor to your liver, but will reduce at a stroke the number of calories you take in a day. And be able to better control your hunger. When you have had a few drinks' will tend to be more 'permissive' with their own desires.
- Do not get stressed ... a hormone produced by the body in situations or periods of prolonged stress is called cortisol. Keep in mind that name, because this hormone, among other things, is also a contributor to the accumulation of fat, especially in the abdominal area. So... do not get stressed and your tummy will thank you...
- Drink plenty of water. It has been proven by various studies that drinking lots of water (do not overdo it, we're talking about reasonable limits) increases the consumption of calories. And does it well, except for calories.
- Limit carbohydrates, especially those contained in the cakes. Do not overdo it with pasta and bread, but mainly by reducing sweets, cakes, ice cream... a sin - I agree - but what can you expect?
- Cheese, yogurt and milk. Fortunately, there are the light version of these foods. Ignore those 'whole' and - without exaggeration because three kilos of low-fat yogurt will make you gain weight the same - only bought cheese, yogurt and skim milk.
- Do not skip meals, snacks and even if you're used to eating more of the canonical three times a day. Maybe Always keep one of those low calorie bars for snacks. And do not forget the good old apple that fills and satisfies the taste of hunger when the cramps are felt.
- Do not let a sedentary life take over. Active lives - and we are also working to walk the newsstand or the baker instead of taking the car to any committee (if you go by bike is good enough but do not use the sidewalks as bicycle. There are no tracks cycling? complain to the mayor. Invest quiet people walking on the sidewalk like too many cyclists do not lose weight ...)
- Reduce portions. Do not be missing anything at the table, we are missing, but significantly reduces the portions, the taste would not be affected at the end of the meal you will not even be made (or made) on behalf of eating slightly less.
- Avoid sugary drinks and sodas. The good white water is always the best solution and not only for the line.
- All. As you can see they are not upset, and it is not suffering. But only slightly change our habits. Try it, it does not cost anything.