Breastfeed in public places seems inconvenient and makes uncomfortable. Do not worry, there are tricks to this beneficial activity smooth and pleasant.
We have more and more public places which provide a special room nursing (nursing room), but if the mother was in a crowded area and does not provide lactation rooms, look for clean places that can provide privacy or a quiet place, such as in a corner of a restaurant or waiting room. If you are not overreacting, most people will not notice you.
Breastfeeding mothers today are also increasingly facilitated by the presence of nursing apron so that she can stay comfortably breastfeed in public places or in vehicles without the need to feel uncomfortable. For the veiled woman, usually more easily, because it can cover the shame. To cover the private parts, she can also use a big or Pashmina shawls.
So that mothers can breastfeed on a regular basis outside the home, suggested that the mothers prepared, including in selecting clothing. We recommend that you select clothing that allows mothers in breastfeeding. Do not forget to bring clothes breastpad not tainted by the milk flowing unnoticed.