Knowing the level of Male fertility

In both fertile couples, are still occasionally found in cases of difficult to get a baby.Make sure your husband's fertile before an expensive test for a woman / wife

To get a pregnancy, should fertilization occur between sperm cells and egg cells. For that male fertility can be said to be able to complete if an egg so that there was a conception / pregnancy. This underlying this ability is the fertility level of a man himself and his ability to radiate the sperm so that sperm directly in the mouth of the uterus. Thus the sperm to swim the distance into the uterus shorter.

Own male fertility can be detected through laboratory tests or maternity hospital. Given this very important test, the cost incurred to perform these tests is quite cheap. At the end of 2009 tests of sperm examination fee only 10$ in a maternity hospital.

The officer can do an analysis laboratory directly or using a microscope with the variables examined include the spent sperm volume, pH (acidity level) of sperm, sperm color, concentration of spermatozoa per ml of cells, movement and shape of sd spermatozoa.

Numbers normal / standard for male fertility is as follows:
  • Sperm Volume> 2 ml
  • PH (acidity level) = 7.2 - 8
  • Semen color = pale gray
  • The concentration of sperm cells> 20 million per ml
  • Movement of sperm> 50% (moving toward the front)
  • The shape of sperm> 30% (normal form)
When a man has 2 or more indications that beyond the normal limits above, it can be said male fertility disturbed. However, keep in mind that these test results can vary with different conditions. To get more accurate results, we recommend that before making a sperm test, a fasting man / not having sex and do not ejaculate for at least 3 days and a maximum of 5 days. Conditions that will bring more fitness tests better too.
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