Breastfeed Not Make Your Breast Sagging!!

The breasts may be an 'asset' is important for a woman. No wonder just a little change in shape has become a problem. One of the things that make women fear is sagging breasts and flabby. Unfortunately, there are many who think breastfeeding is a cause of breast engorgement.

Breastfeeding is the best gift a mother can give to the baby and herself. However, not a few women who are reluctant to breastfeed for fear of sagging breasts. In fact, this opinion is wrong.

Based on studies conducted in 2007 and presented at the meeting of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons ", the experts agree that breastfeeding does not cause breast sagging. Elan breast size changed because of breast enlargement and weight gain during pregnancy, old age, and cigarettes that can make the skin elasticity decreases.

As we get older, glands in the breast was reduced, and replaced by fatty tissue that can not as tight as it used to be. The longer fibers in the breast tissue, called Cooper's ligaments were loosened. "This is a network that makes the breast firm," says Leona Downey, from the University of Arizona Health Science Center. In addition, when we are young, estrogen hormone levels to maintain high tight breasts.

Basically, your breasts do not have the muscle, but the network consists of fiber, fat, and glands that produce milk. Because not supported by bones and muscles are also, breast very easily influenced by grativasi style.

Unfortunately, according to experts we can not prevent the slack. "Because the breast is not composed of muscle then there is no sport that can tighten the chest," said Downey.

Even so, use the right bra still recommended. In addition to oppose gravity, the right bra size will also help to improve breast anatomy. "Using a tight bra for sagging breasts do not, will not much effect," said Downey. However, he suggested that we use a sports bra while doing activities that make breast shock, such as jogging or exercising.
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