Formula milk mixed with Breastmilk

Could milk be used as a solvent of formula? To dissolve a powdered drink formula - equivalent to 15 grams of milk powder formula - water needed by 30 cc. If the water is replaced milk white, can't you?

Increasing the viscosity of milk
Even until now, no studies say breast milk is allowed as a solvent formula. Precisely the opposite happened, milk mixed with formula once, can increase the viscosity of milk (osmolarity). This can result in gastrointestinal tract, causing disturbed infant diarrhea.

In the long run, mixed with milk formula caused the composition of the electrolyte increases. As a result, renal function, throwing dirt over-burdened urine and kidneys work was disrupted.

Breast Milk is not the same with formula

Principally, the composition of different milk formulas. Thus, any must not be mixed. Virtually unique composition of breast milk and very specific. The liquid contains nutrients complex containing immune (immune system). Call it the digestive enzymes, such as Lactose syntheses, Fatty acid syntheses, which functions Thioesterase digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates in breast milk. Through these enzymes infant get passive immunity from Moms.

In addition, milk contains growth modulators, to enhance the growth of children. While colostrum, fluid milk is the first time out, a lot of components containing white blood cells, and that Lymphocytes Polymorfonukleus.

Try to compare it with formula. Indeed, infant formula milk made with the addition of close nutrients (fortification) vitamins, minerals and some other nutrients, such as Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and Arachidonat acid (AA).

The question is, whether the infant formula contains nutrients and liquids that contain complex immunological and growth modulators like milk? The answer: No!

In fact, in some cases, baby intake formula milk experience lactose intolerance-state body can not digest lactose, the form of sugar found in milk and processed products.

So, when Moms give milk to your baby, so just give milk. When he was drinking milk formula, so just give formula milk. But, do not mix the two for one drink.

Breast feeding is the best
As the grace of God, breast milk was remarkable! It contains the best nutrients for the baby. Apparently, this Breast milk is called foremilk and hindmilk. Now, milk is flowing the first time or the first five minutes is the foremilk. This milk is more watery and has a low content of high-fat and lactose, sugar, protein, minerals and water. Then, the milk is turned into hindmilk. And this hindmilk rich in fats and nutrients, thus making quick baby fed.

So babies get foremilk and hindmilk, at least give a range of 10 minutes while nursing a baby. Usually, a baby with weight has 3 Kg fluid requirement from 800 to 1250 cc. And all that could be fulfilled, provided Moms have the right diet. For example, Moms have body weight 50 kg as many calories it takes 1500 kcal.When Moms pregnant and nursing, plus calories needed for 300 to 400 calories. Thus, there is the addition of a 1900 calories.

101 facts of breastmilk
  • Complete intake for infants
  • Contains antibodies that protect the disease, primarily diarrhea and respiratory disorders
  • Easy absorbed by the body
  • Strengthens the jaw and your baby's gums
  • Implement the closeness (bonding) between mother and child
  • Babies feel comfortable and safe
  • Always clean
  • Improve your baby growing up
  • Breast milk as a contraceptive for Mom
  • Lowers the risk of postpartum
  • nipple sucking help prevent breast swelling
  • Lowers the risk of breast cancer
  • Save expenses
Provides on milking tips
Is the baby milking? Consider the various ways serving!
  • Milking milk stored in the freezer
Milking milk stored in the freezer can last up to 3 months. When want to serve, remove the milk from the freezer and let stand in refrigerator used to thaw breast milk. Then, warm the milk. But do not boil the milk straight away because of substances in it will die.

So how? Place the milk in the bowl. Then, a bowl of milk was placed in a larger container of boiling water. Set aside some time to warm milk.
  • Milking milk stored in the refrigerator.
When Moms keep milking milk in the refrigerator without a freezer, usually milk will last up to 14 days. In order to keep good quality milk, do not store milk near in the refrigerator door or freezer, but at the end of it. Because the door of a refrigerator or freezer that is often open-lid makes the temperature changes, thus affecting substances in breast milk and can cause damage.
  • Direct milking milk drink
If Moms give the baby milk just milked, meaning no need to be warmed milk. However, if milk is not given directly to the spot, keep in the refrigerator, not in the freezer to maintain milk temperature.

Others as if Moms giving formula. Instead, infant formula reconstituted with water. For the record, use water that is boiled until boiling for bacteria, parasites and fungi were dead. To have that formula milk is hygienic and sterile, dissolve in a clean container. Strive baby bottles or pacifiers in sterile conditions with in boiling water for five minutes.
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