While pregnant, consider the quality of food. Because the food into the body becomes the raw material of the fetal growth. Caloric needs depend on age, weight, and height. So if the normal requirement of 1500 kcal, then the pregnancy to be 2000 kcal. With the composition of carbohydrate intake of 60-70 percent, 15-20 percent of intake of vegetable and animal protein, and 15 percent of an unsaturated oil.
Do not forget the 25 grams of fruit a variety of colors and a variety of vegetables. Usually, especially in the two trimesters, pregnant women often prefers to eat well wishes with a sense of delicious and tasty. And it is not healthy.
Omega 3 for brain
Moreover, during the second trimester, the fetal brain formation process began to evolve toward perfection. Therefore, pregnant women should change the pattern of food to eat more fish. Because marine fish contained in Omega 3, which is required in the formation of fetal brain tissue.
Do not let the lack of one mother who needed nutrition during pregnancy trimester two. Fatal result, the formation of brain tissue can not be perfect.
Fish Allergy
For pregnant women allergic to fish, you should still eat food from the sea, such as shrimp and crabs. Very high protein and support the improvement of brain tissue. If the allergy sea fish such as swordfish, tuna can try. Many seafood can also be alternatives.
If the pregnant mother really sea food allergies, can replace the eggs. Provided that consumed just enough egg white, where the high protein.
Select Fresh Fish
Before deciding not to eat seafood due to allergies, see the first cause. For example, allergies do not usually eat fish, a sudden allergy. This could be due to contaminated fish or bad protein.
Therefore, it is important to choose fresh fish. Notice the eyes and gills of fish, whether fresh or not. But if it had a seafood allergy talent, yes, only the consumption of animal and vegetable side dishes that many proteins, such as eggs and eating lots of vegetables.
Eating and Drinking Fruit Milk
Besides protein, during the second trimester, also need vitamins and minerals. Various kinds of vitamins recommended for pregnant women are vitamins and minerals. Various kinds of vitamins recommended for pregnant women are vitamin B complex, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E that serves to enhance fitness pregnant.
Vitamin B complex can be obtained on cereals, grains, nuts, green vegetables, yeast, eggs and dairy products. Vitamin B complex is useful for maintaining the nervous system, muscles and heart to function normally. Vitamin D is useful for bone growth and formation of the baby. Can be found in fish liver oils, egg yolk and milk.
Vitamin E useful for the formation of red blood cells healthy. Vitamin E can be found in institutions, especially grains of wheat, pulses, vegetable oil and green vegetables. Breakfast can eat green beans.
While for the fulfillment of vitamins and minerals can pregnant women eat mixed juice, such as bananas and orange juice. Notice also the intake of calcium. Pregnant women and fetuses in dire need of calcium. Even until the next feeding. One way is by drinking milk. If you do not like cow's milk, soy milk can choose.
Reduce Oil
Which are often wrong, pregnant women do not maintain a healthy diet and correct. Myth pregnant women to eat for two people, making pregnant women eat a lot but did not notice the quality of nutrition.
The doctor who likes to weave these elaborate, pregnant women should reduce the use of oil in the food processing every time. Pregnant women need only 12,5-15 grams of oil.
Do not combine it with the fried coconut. Like fried chicken. Or eating food which is too plain coconut milk with fried fish. Better a dish there are several variations of toppings choices.