Blessed are you pregnant now aged 13-27 weeks, because in the second trimester is usually the time most convenient. You will feel full of vitality and enthusiasm, so he could perform activities that might previously not possible. Just do not feel comfortable and you forget yourself and excessive activity.
- Limit your appetite unstoppable, given your appetite generally improved. Keep up your excess weight.
- Consumption of nutritious balanced diet with emphasis on iron, since blood volume increases 40-60%. This increase is to meet the needs of mothers and supplying food and oxygen to the fetus.
- Now it's time 'official' wear maternity clothes. Through the age of 12 weeks, your uterus is getting bigger, which is about 1 cm per week. The average woman will begin to look big belly at 16 weeks of gestation.
- Wear a bra that supports the breast well. The problem is, now heavier breasts and soft due to changes in the hormone progesterone, estrogen, oxytocin, and prolactin in preparation for breastfeeding.
- Perform Kegel exercises to train the pelvic muscles, which can be done while standing, sitting, or lying down. How? such as Contract your muscles when you hold urination.
- Enjoy the moments of making love with her husband. These months are the most comfortable doing the conjugal relationship.
- Perform low impact exercise such as swimming, yoga, gymnastics, and on foot. Comfortable body makes you comfortable workout.
- There is nothing wrong you start hunting for the baby, such as clothes, crib and other baby equipment. You can also go to maternity hospitals to see the facilities available, according to your criteria.
- Follow the prenatal classes to learn the correct way of feeding, caring for babies and first aid if your child is sick. Some hospitals in major cities hold this class. If your city is not there, maybe you can ask your doctor or midwife to train you.
- If you experience heartburn (the lower part of the chest or the abdomen, burning) caused gastrointestinal muscle relaxation due to stomach acid up into the esophagus, solved with:
- Avoid eating too much before bed.
- Avoid fatty foods, spicy and oily.
- Elevate the position of the head so that stomach acid up into the esophagus does not.
- Overcome leg cramps by raising the legs up. If you get leg cramps when sitting or while sleeping, try to move your toes upward.
- To reduce and / or avoid pain in the back up to the pelvis and lumbar (low back pain) that usually appears at the age of 5 monthly content, do the following way.
In this exciting period, there was a moment of happiness. You will feel little movement at the age of about 22 weeks. Oh, joy!
- Do not stand or sit too long.
- When you take something on the floor, do a squat.
- Use low-heeled shoes.
- Try to sleep on his side to the left.